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rate war 減價競爭。


From 1929 to 1943 , with the currency system changing to the floating exchange rate system , each monetary bloc implemented the strict foreign exchange management , and competed to use the depreciation policy to stimulate the exportation , resulting in “ he changes rate war “ 這次人民幣匯率形成機制改革的內容是,人民幣匯率不再釘住單一美元,而是按照我國對外經濟發展的實際情況,選擇若干種主要貨幣,賦予相應的權重,組成一個貨幣籃子。

Why is that ? because this shrine mainly prays for the soldiers who died in the war ; some were the first - rate war criminals who committed various unspeakable atrocities in the war . how can these people deserve to be prayed for and honored 因為在靖國神社都是供奉戰爭死亡的軍人,其中里面包括了甲級戰犯,這些人挑起了戰爭,以極殘忍的手段來殺害無辜的百姓,逼良為娼,慰安婦,造成生靈涂炭等等罪行,豈容人們去瞻仰祭拜他們。